5G Smart Factory: Supporting the transformation of the manufacturing industry

5G Smart Factory: Supporting the transformation of the manufacturing industry

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A data platform building on 5G and industrial edge cloud as well as data service core capabilities.

5G Smart Factory builds a flexible and visual data platform to realize the rapid establishment of various data and business construction, as well as the precipitation of various industrial mechanisms to be implemented through the management of business model: scheduling, production scheduling, material matching, quality analysis, equipment monitoring analysis, the management of various production related business models, and data to support service for various industrial apps. In addition, through the visualized drag and drop configuration tools, the data visualization management can be realized quickly, and various advanced technologies can be enabled to realize the manufacturing process data sharing, agile interconnection, application cloud, design and manufacturing collaboration, design and experiment collaboration, intelligent decision-making, etc.


Company Link: www.chinaunicom.com.cn