Barcelona Declaration: European Cities for European Policymaking and Democracy

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The Barcelona Declaration is the outcome of the European Summit of Mayors jointly organised by the City of Barcelona and Eurocities. It aims at strengthening cities participation in EU policymaking and European democracy. It is a call to improve the institutional relationship between cities, Member States, the European Commission and the European Parliament. The declaration will be presented to the Spanish Presidency of the European Union.



EUROCITIES is the network of major European cities, with over 200 of Europe’s largest cities to improve the lives of over 130 million residents across 38 countries. We work in all areas of interest for cities, from culture to mobility, environment to social affairs, economic development to smart cities. We facilitate learning experiences between cities and represent cities’ interests towards the European Union. EUROCITIES is committed to working towards a common vision of a democratic, sustainable future in which all citizens can enjoy a good quality of life.

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