Madrid Mobility 360: EMT integrated solution to MAAS

Madrid Mobility 360: EMT integrated solution to MAAS

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“Madrid Mobility 360” offers a unique fully functional MAAS solution, including booking, unlocking and payments and an innovative solution beyond the powerful “Madrid Mobility 360” route planner, which is a world first in this type of tool, offering to the user information on bus occupancy.

By using an intuitive colour code (green, yellow, orange and red) and a message about the estimated level of crowdiness, the user obtains information about bus occupancy in the trip segment of the specific calculated route This feature, unprecedented in this type of application until now, is especially relevant in helping users to make more conscious and free mobility decisions, and positions Madrid at the forefront of digital mobility.

The application incorporates free-floating shared mobility services, such as e-bikes, into the route calculation, and allows payments to both purchase a single bus ticket or to use BiciMAD (station based) and BiciMAD Go (freefloating). o The MAAS EMT offer, beyond the common benefits of a MAAS platform, aims to establish a simple and transparent model.




Two main platforms have been designed to respond to the mobility market needs, a highly dynamic and permanently in evolution ecosystem in which the agents are establishing new rules every day. A route planner (MRoute) and a payment platform (former MPay, current MPass) ready to serve very different operators.


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