UCLG. Local and regional governments play a vital role in fostering a human rights based and sustainable digital transformation.

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UCLG. Local and regional governments play a vital role in fostering a human rights based and sustainable digital transformation.

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In an increasingly digitizing world, local and regional governments as the closest level of government to communities address the challenges and harness the opportunities that information and communication technologies present for the future of equitable local public service provision.

Local and regional governments are protecting people and the planet through local public service provision, providing access to essential needs such as healthcare, education, waste management and access to technology. Only through upholding and strengthening access to these vital services can we ensure that digital transformation does not further create inequalities among people and destruction for the planet.

UCLG in 2022 adopted a Pact for the Future of Humanity. With three axes: People, Planet and Government, the Pact for the Future of Humanity sets out the commitments and aspirations of the organized local and regional government constituency to achieve sustainable development.

The Pact makes clear that only through digitalization that respects digital rights, fosters human centered artificial intelligence, and promotes transparency and accountability can we leave no one and no place behind.

UCLG will be going to the Smart City Expo World Congress with the unfolding of the Pact for the Future of Humanity as a key priority and ensuring that the perspective of local and regional governments is heard loud and clear in the discussion around the future of technology, especially in light of the upcoming UN Summit of the Future in 2024.

Quote Emilia Saiz Picture gotham

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Massimo Perrino
Policy Officer
