Tomorrow.Podcast 1×01: Are our cities more resilient than ever?
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Tomorrow.Podcast 1×01: Are our cities more resilient than ever?

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Author | M. Martínez Euklidiadas

Urban resilience, the capacity to adapt in the face of adversities and recover from these with ease, is included on the roadmaps of all cities. Achieving it has become a bigger challenge than expected, as illustrated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Can technology help us achieve these goals?

"We’re very much focusing on seeing what’s happening inside the city, how can we make a healthier city, particularly from an urban and transport planning perspective." — Mark Nieuwenhuijsen

In order to answer this, Mark Nieuwenhuijsen, President of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE) and Director of the Urban Planning, Environment and Health Initiative at ISGlobal, will be joining us on our podcast to answer any queries about the relationship between urbanism, technology, science and resilience and the need to learn to coexist with nature.

Are cities more resilient than before or, on the other hand, are they more vulnerable given the high level of dependence on technology and the increasing environmental degradation?

"I don’t know if we are more resilient, but there’s no doubt that we are more dependent on technology." – Citizen’s voice

Miguel Gamiño, Head of Global Cities at Mastercard and Former Chief Technology Officer for the New York City, has spared a few minutes to talk with us about the City Possible model, a global network that fosters co-creation between cities, companies and citizens. These types of relationships will be essential in terms of recovering from events such as pandemics, crises or climate change.

COVID-19 has emphasized the importance of the relationship between nature and cities, and the need to make these urban settlements much more efficient and safer environments with a view to tackling other major global challenges such as global warming. Is it possible? What can we learn?

"People will be attracted to cities for the opportunity and the creativity, and cities will be responsive to those needs in equally creative and innovative ways." — Miguel Gamiño

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Photo | Israel Palacio

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